Meet The Dads

Friends, Fathers and Frequent Purveyor of Dad Jokes

Phillip Morales


Howdy, I’m Phillip. I’m a Dad and I love to Drive! I’m not the first dad in history to love cars but I am the only Dad Driver that my daughter ZOË knows and thats enough for me. I’ve been driving and writing about automobiles for over seven years and my work has been featured online and in print.  That’s right in print. In an actual newspaper! Google that if you don’t know what a newspaper is.

Being a father is an adventure and a lot of that journey is spent in a car, with ZOË. That’s what inspired Dad Drivers – the appreciation of those moments where Dads can be road warriors and attentive fathers at the same time. I also review tech, car accessories, and other various “dad stuff.” Being a Dad is tough but it’s helpful to have an awesome daughter and I’m just counting down the days until she’s old enough to drive me around!

Fabian Campos

Contributor & Co-Founding of Denton Moto

Hey guys, I’m Fabian. I’m a Dad and I love all things cars and motorcycles!

To say I love cars and motorcycles is an understatement. My earliest memories include me riding on the back of my “Tio’s” motorcycle and building model cars. As a dad I’m incredibly fortunate to get to share these passions with kids – Eva (17), Simon (14), and Gabe (6). 

I have been an automotive journalist (wannabe) for the last 10 years and have had some incredible experiences behind the wheel of a huge variety of vehicles. I love all sorts of vehicles for a variety of reasons and look forward to sharing some of my insights and experiences. I’m especially excited about adding the perspectives from both my boys (my daughter was invited; she said “I’m good, Dad.) We’ll also touch on motorcycles as part of our sharing because we are a Moto-trifecta and love being on two wheels.